Team unity suffers while working remotely.
Maintaining a connected and unified team can be a challenge with less in-person meetings and more isolation.
It’s easy to lose the feeling of being part of a bigger picture without being in the office, brainstorming with coworkers every day, and water cooler conversations.
Without an intentional strategy to create unity and connection, your company culture is at risk. Collaboration of effort towards a common goal is critical for the relational strength of team. When that goal is not merely for achievement sake, but aligned with social impact initiatives, the effects are exponentially more meaningful.
Connecting your team with local nonprofits
serving community needs.
Dream teams are developed in the atmosphere of unity and fulfillment.
What better way to build your team than to partner with nonprofits who cannot sustain long-term success without the give-back efforts of the community they seek to serve.
- Social impact
- Fulfillment
- Growth
- Connection

Now Welcoming Community Partners
If you are a nonprofit in the North Alabama area with a service project designed for a team, we would love to partner with you.